Datoteka 2021/219 - Welcome to Seattle

Područje identiteta


AR AP VI-2021/219


Welcome to Seattle


  • 2010-12 (Stvaranje)

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Azafata de United da la bienvenida a Seattle y las instrucciones antes de descender y para quienes tengan conexiones a otros destinos.


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  • engleski

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You are welcome to Seattle, where the local time is aproximately three forty five. We will be taxing for a few minutes and ask that you remain in your seats with the seatbelt securely fasten. We also ask that you please keep all carry on items stowed and out of the center aisle until we are parked at the gate and captain Bredder has turn off the fasten seatbelt sign. At that time, check the area around you for any personal items that you may have brought on board. Please use caution as you open the overhead bins to prevent injuries to yourself and to others. It is now safe to use your cellular telephones as well as other hand held electronic devices. However larger items such as laptop computers should remain off until we are parked at the gate and the passenger entry door has been opened. We do ask you to please refrain from smoking until you are inside the terminal and in a designated smoking area. If a carry on item was taken from you during the boarding process, we’ve put a bright green tag on it, asked you to leave it outside the aircraft, that carry on item will be return to you as you deplane. If on the other hand you are looking for your luggage, the bags that you checked at the beginning of your travels today, those will be made available to you in the baggage claim area. Should you be connecting to another flight, your checked luggage will be transferred for you. Here at Sky West your safety is our first priority so we’d ask that you to hold on to the hand rails, watch your step as you are deplaning and always stay forward of the aircraft wings. It’s been our pleasure having you on board today. On behalf of United, United Express and your Colorado Springs based flight group we’d like to thank you for choosing us [...] pleasant stay here in Seattle or wherever your travels may take you.


Medio: sistema de megafonía.


Voz: femenina, adulta.


Equipo de grabación: ZOOM H2, STEREO 120º


Duración: 02:17

Alternativni identifikator(i)

Archivo PAIS

La Voz de las Instituciones


Sea-Tac International Airport, Seattle


Estados Unidos


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