Identity area
Reference code
- 2011-10-3 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
Memoria digital
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Después de 20 años, la tienda cierra sus puertas y todo debe irse.
After 20 years, the store is going out of business and everything must go.
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
- English
Script of material
Language and script notes
Finding aids
Allied materials area
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Related units of description
Notes area
Olympus, Laica, Sony, you name it, we have it. Everything must go! All merchandise must be sold and must be liquidated. Everything must go! Come in, take a look around. Shop and take a look at the opportunity and business. It’s real, it’s here. Now we must go, everything must go. The doors will close. Twenty years of business, all must go. We are going out of business. We will do everything and anything to liquidate our stock. Come in, take a look around and take advantage of the big bargain opportunities. […] We are going out of business, we are going out of business, our final days are here, after twenty years we must close our doors. Everything must go! No reasonable offers will be refused. We have it all , all name brand. Digital cameras, Night fan, Cannon, Panasonic, Olympus, Laica, Sony, you name it, we have it. We’re closing our doors, we are going out of business. We have laptop computers, Apple, …, HP, To-Toshiba, Fiujitsu, Le noble, Dell, all the name brand computers, we must close our store, we are going out of business. All accessories for cameras and laptops and computers you name, electronics, we have all the accessories available in the world! We’re going out of business, please come in, take a look around. Take advantage of your good opportunities, take advantage of the bargains while they last. We’re going out of business, we are closing our doors after twenty years. No more Broadway, no more store, closing our doors. We must go, we must go, we must go! Going out of business, going out of business. Going, going, going, go-going!
Voz: masculina, adulto
Medio: micrófono con efecto de delay
Equipo de grabación: grabador digital
Duración: 01:51
Alternative identifier(s)
Archivo PAIS
Access points
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Place access points
Name access points
Description control area
Description identifier
Dates of creation revision deletion
Digital object metadata
Media type